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As a young girl I accepted Jesus into my life, never understanding His calling, knowing I was different from the world standards and also feeling unworthy to be in church. Truly a misfit. Was I a princess or a heathen? Who did I belong to? The world or a living God? Unfortunately the messes I've made in my life remained, luckily

grace never left.


Preparing to celebrate my upcoming birthday I have found myself reflecting on who I really am and where I am heading to the next part of my journey. Looking in the mirror, coming to truth of what I am not, allows me to freely live being ME. My fuel is my passion which is my purpose. Knowing my passion is fulfilling with priceless rewards. I am not fueled by emotion or desire. Emotions left me enslaved to someone else and empty, which desire is never fulfilling. The road traveled has not been easy, actually it is

tedious and hard.


Finally I have found the right path. There will still be moments when I will stumble, slide backwards, make wrong choices finding myself in a bind. This does not make me weak, but human. Grief has struck me to the core, making an empty grave on my soul. But it is when I fall completely, grace has been the strength to get up, drawing me back on  the path, closer to destiny. This is a strength given and can not be earned. Finding that living in gratitude and daily gratefulness, unashamed. Praising God all the way.

This is me, this is who I am.


Regal Redneck.

Branded by Grace


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